Monday, October 6, 2014

Apartment Update

The apartment isn't quite done yet, but here's a little update for those of you who have been waiting to see pictures, aka my parents :). 
IKEA deliveries arrived! I will never again underestimate the value of the giant blue IKEA bag. For one thing, it's the greatest laundromat accessory. Every time I do laundry, there are at least two other people with jumbo IKEA bags too. They're a hot commodity, so I guard them with my life.
The couch! It shows up a little darker on camera than in real life, but you get the idea. It's the most hipster piece of furniture we've ever owned. 
Peter assembling the REAL kitchen table. If you remember, we've been using a LACK up until a few days ago. 
So, we bought these cheap tables to use as night stands and decided to race to see who could put them together faster. I was (shockingly) winning all the way up until the end when I got a little overzealous and screwed the nail in so tight that it cracked the top side of the table. So now it looks like this. And I lost the race. Sad. I never claimed to be the handiest person in the world...
We got some pillows for the couch at the poser Target! They were super cheap and add some much needed color to our living room/kitchen. 
Peter's favorite purchase so far...
This picture illustrates just how small our apartment is! And also how much of a disaster it was after assembling all that IKEA. 
Our first meal on the adult-size table. We have a little more work to do and and then I'll give the full apartment tour!


  1. We enjoyed the apartment update and the kangaroo video. It would be more convenient to use your phone on the tram, rather than carry the 40 inch TV. You are one strong lady. Thanks so much for all the info you provide on the blog. Gram and Gramps.

    1. Grandpa and Grandma- glad you like the blog! Luckily, Peter was with me to help carry the TV, which was good because it definitely required two sets of hands. Hope all is well in Fairmont!

  2. Love your blog! My boyfriend Matt and I are in a similar situation to you guys. We arrived in Melboune last week and move into Prima Pearl next Monday. If you fancied meeting up for a drink or something that would be cool. We also have a blog ( but it's not as good as yours! :-) Lauren x

    1. Thank you! You will love the Prima Pearl- it's been awesome so far. Would love to meet up once you are settled, let me know when you're available! Also, love your blog :).



Welcome! I started Laura and Peter Down Under in July 2014 when my husband and I moved from the States to Melbourne, Australia for his job. I blog about expat life, our travels, food, and whatever else comes to mind. Follow along on our adventures Down Under!



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